Friday, 27 January 2012

Buang Bau Busuk (remove bad smell)

Bila Bangkai Biawak    (when dead monitor lizards)
Berbau Busuk              (rotten smelling)
Burung Berebut-rebut  (bird are vying)
Berselerak                   (Scattered)

Bila Bandar Banyak Beca    (when the city many trishaw)
Bila Basikal Bingkas Bangun (when the bike up quickly)
Bila Bos Bertemu Bawahan (when the boss meets the "lower")

Bila Beg Berisi Bom             (when the bag containing the bomb)
Bom Berdentum Berhala       (A bomb exploded idol)
Bila Bulan Belah                   (When splitting the the moon)
Bermula Berita Baru             (Starting a new news)